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Join Our 75-Day “Renew & Strengthen” Challenge!


Dear Church Family,

I’m excited to invite you to join our 75-day “Renew & Strengthen” Challenge, beginning September 1, 2024. This challenge is designed to deepen our spiritual lives, improve our mental and physical health, and strengthen our community bonds.

Each day, we’ll engage in scripture reading, prayer, physical activity, and acts of kindness. This is a great way to be church with one another and to connect with each other through weekly reflection and support. Together, we can grow, renew our hearts, and strengthen our faith.

Let’s journey together towards spiritual renewal and personal growth.


Rev. Dr. Derrick Elliott

How to do the 75-Day Challenge: “Renew & Strengthen”

Spiritual Growth

• Daily Scripture Reading (Day 1-75): Read one chapter of the Bible daily. Start with Psalms or Proverbs, or choose a book that resonates with you.

• Prayer Time (Day 1-75): Spend at least 10 minutes in prayer each day, focusing on gratitude, confession, and requests.

• Weekly Worship (Day 1-75): Attend a worship service or engage in a personal time of worship each week.

• Memorize Scripture (Days 10, 25, 50, 75): Choose a verse to memorize and meditate on it throughout the day.

Mental Growth

• Daily Reading (Day 1-75): Read for at least 20 minutes from a book that challenges your thinking or inspires you.

• Gratitude Journal (Day 1-75): Write down three things you’re grateful for each day.

• Mindfulness Exercise (Day 1-75): Spend 5 minutes daily in meditation or mindfulness to clear your mind and focus.

• Skill Development (Days 1-75): Dedicate 30 minutes daily to learning or improving a skill, such as writing, playing an instrument, or speaking a new language.

Physical Health

• Daily Exercise (Day 1-75): Commit to at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day, including walking, running, cycling, or strength training.

• Healthy Eating (Day 1-75): Focus on eating whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid processed foods and sugar.

• Hydration (Day 1-75): Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

• Rest (Days 7, 14, 21, etc.): Take one day each week to rest physically and mentally. Use this day to rejuvenate.

Community and Relationships

• Acts of Kindness (Day 1-75): Perform one act of kindness each day, whether it’s a compliment, a helping hand, or a donation.

• Connect with Someone (Day 1-75): Reach out to someone daily—whether a friend, family member, or church member. Offer encouragement, support, or just listen.

• Accountability Partner (Day 1-75): Pair up with a friend or family member to check in daily or weekly about your progress and challenges.

Reflection and Evaluation

• Weekly Reflection (Days 7, 14, 21, etc.): Spend 15 minutes reflecting on your week. Write down your thoughts, what you learned, and areas for improvement.

• Mid-Point Evaluation (Day 38): Take a deeper evaluation of your progress. Adjust goals as needed to stay on track.

• Final Reflection (Day 75): Reflect on your 75-day journey. Write down the changes you’ve noticed in your life, spiritually, mentally, and physically.

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